by Jeannie McLean
This is the second Tova Tan Mystery written by Jeannie McLean and she has certainly raised the bar on the engrossing first offering. The events of the first tale are only hinted at here but with just enough detail that the books won't necessarily have to be read in order. Also just enough to encourage anyone who missed the first novel to want to know more.
An extremely well constructed piece with plenty of back story sitting with the characters giving the opportunity of red herrings and secondary plotlines. The drawing of the main characters was perfect, creating empathy for some and revulsion for others.
Ms Tan certainly lands up in some serious scrapes, this one the discovery of the remains of a murdered teenager, but seems capable of looking after herself (mostly) and sometimes thinking ahead of the police investigating the case.
As with the first tale, Caught Between, the pace is a perfect build through to the ‘final showdown’. A thoughtful wrap-up concludes with the opportunity for another Tova Tan Mystery as there is still family business to clear up.
This reader certainly hopes so. Another great read from Jeannie McLean, keep them coming please.
Author: Jeannie McLean
Publisher: Cross the Ditch Press
ISBN: 978-0-473-73032-1 (paperback); 978-0-473-73033-8 (e-Pub)
RRP: $38.00
Available: Paperback: from realnzbooks.co.nz, Dear Reader Bookstore, and selected bookstores.
eBook: mebooks.co.nz, amazon.com