Outrageous Living: A daily guide to a life without limits
by Bernadette Soares
I was drawn to this journal by its gorgeous cover, and its positive vibe around empowerment.
The author’s credentials are perfect for this type of writing.
The spiral bound pages work well for a journal intended to be referred to on a daily basis.
The only indication that this work contains religious references is a bible verse (in small print) on the back cover. An improvement suggestion would be to add a reference on the front cover so that it is purchased by its intended audience. Delving inside, the religious affiliations are obvious from the Affirmation Index.
The contents are structured into 31 daily sections with affirmations, contemplations, actions, and challenges. Plus there are blank lines for scribbling down your own thoughts.
The pages are beautifully designed and this will become a treasure trove of personal inspiration and introspection.
Author: Bernadette Soares
Publisher: Wild Side Publishing
ISBN: 9780473449155
RRP: $39.99
Available: bookshops