by Janet Balcombe
Balcombe rips straight into it! And she's transparently raw.
Immediately, we are immersed in the seedy, alcohol and drug-fuelled 60s.
It's good, with frightening intensity, and there's no gratuitous writing here – it's authentic from start to finish.
An exceptional and fast read. Both historic and current, and scarily vivid. From drama to drama, she doesn't miss a beat.
I cried. Yes, I cried for the girl who lost her way amidst the drug and money scene, for the baby born into this kind of life, and for the unfolding of hope amidst total desperation. There are parts that mirror my life. Experiences that I can vouch for as true. And a faith that survives throughout.
If you read it fast enough, you will be swept along in this other life, the one we so often choose to ignore and condemn.
If you read it fast enough, you will skim over the typos and editorial bits and pieces, and the cliches, and get to the heart of a young woman trying to make sense out of no sense at all.
What a tale of survival! Amazing story.
Author: Janet Balcombe
Publisher: Wild Side Publishing
ISBN: 978-0-473-36621-6
RRP: $29.99
Available: all good bookstores