by W J Scott
Time and place – that of wizards, castles, magic. Most magical beasts, however, have disappeared – dragon, unicorn, and phoenix among them.
But Silvertails, though thought by humans and wizards to be extinct, still survive.
Silvertails are small 4-legged creatures, cat-like with long tails and pink or purple fur. Or maybe they’re closer to dogs, in that they bark and howl and live in packs. They’re vegetarian, talk, can understand human speech, and have abilities beyond those of other animals.
Their tails are the repository of super senses, known as tail-sense. So what happens when a young male, Kywah, loses his in an encounter with hunters? Taillessness is more than merely the lack of an appendage in Silvertail society – it puts Kywah, and his pack, in danger from their enemies – hunters who sell pelts of all animals, and magicians who are desperate to obtains the magical qualities of the Silvertail’s fur, particularly their tails.
For the sake of the pack, Kywah must undertake a hazardous mission that involves chases, intrigue, with several groups in contention – all of which must be outrun by this gutsy but tailless Silvertail.
This is Book 1 of the Silver Wishes series for young readers. It ends on a satisfying note while pointing to the pack’s further adventures to come.
It is well-written and includes some illustrations.
Will I watch for Book 2? Yes, indeed.
Author: WJ Scott
Publisher: Wendy Scott Books
ISBN: 978-0-473-47117-0
RRP: $15 CopyPress; RealNZBooks
Amazon US paperback $13.99
Available: Amazon and as above