by Sheila Smith
You can read a review of the preceding 2 books in this author's story via the archived entries for May 2023
My first thought about this final part of a series of three books is that it wraps up a troubled life and opens the door to a new beginning. In it, the author, seems to have settled with a partner in an idyllic part of Aotearoa/New Zealand and her future appears to be shaping up in a way that has focus and clarity.
After all the struggle one has to be pleased for her.
However, life is never without challenges, and I cannot believe she has reached the end of her journey. None of us has. There are many years to come and with them, many experiences. Perhaps she has come to a rest stop and can catch her breath before going on to the next stage.
There are hints of that in Conor’s belated 16th birthday party where alcohol once again fuels misunderstanding and violence. It was an act of great courage to leave Conor’s birthday in the book. Sheila debated whether to. Yet the incident serves as a reminder that people frequently continue to behave as they always have and others need to be careful about how they manage them.
I think it was good for readers to see, that although we might reach certain points in our lives where things appear to have settled there will never be a complete rounding off.
In this journey the reader sees that, although extreme trauma occurs in someone close to us, we do not need to allow it to become ours.
Sheila appears to follow this philosophy by maintaining connection with her family while also creating a life for herself with her writing. The reader will recognise many of the challenges Sheila has navigated. In seeing that she has reached a point where she is at peace, the reader can also believe that life is a series of challenges which, when overcome and resolved, lead to personal growth and a greater understanding of one's ultimate life purpose.
Author: Sheila Smith
Publisher: Elise Smith
ISBN: 9798367619379
RRP: $$18 Paperback, $11.56 ebook
Available: Paperback or ebook on Amazon; or paperback directly [email protected]