Kororā and the Sushi Shop
by Linda Jane Keegan
Jenny Cooper, illustrator
You’ll likely remember hearing and seeing in the news a while back about penguins that took a liking to the shelter provided by a Wellington sushi shop. It’s the sort of lighter item that we latch onto to help balance the usual heavier fare, and this one was picked up and reported in several overseas countries as well as here.
Three years on, the story pops up again, in the form of a picture book, promoted as “a New Zealand story inspired by true events”.
Over 24 pages, the basic story of a pair of little blue penguins, kororā, is told in rhyming couplets –
Waddling her way to the sushi shop door,
she found a wee gap to squeeze under the floor.
Kororā tucked herself in for a rest,
and transformed the hideaway into her nest.
It’s a simple tale that will appeal to small children. They will learn from it too – the last page of ‘penguin particulars’ contains facts about these little seabirds.
The illustrations are excellent, setting the scene for the events very well.
Author: Linda Jane Keegan; Jenny Cooper, illustrator
Publisher: Scholastic NZ
ISBN: 9781775437185
RRP: $19.99
Available: bookshops