The New Zealand Dream 2, Growth and destruction
by Sheila
These two books are the story of a young woman growing up in New Zealand that tourists do not see. It is the side of society that social workers see and it has to be the cause of many a social worker’s heart ache.
I just wish that those in decision making roles could wave a magic wand and give children opportunities that enable them to take part in society feeling as though they belonged and felt safe.
However, it is not like that. Instead, we have young people, like Sheila, uneducated, struggling to find their place and drifting from one crisis to the next.

I found myself despairing at times as she kept looping back to old patterns and behaviours.
This series is worth reading in order to understand how early mistakes can compound and build on themselves until it seems only a miracle can reverse a downward trend. Perhaps that is coming in Book Three.
This is the story of many New Zealanders. I give Sheila five stars for having the courage to talk about her life in a way that lifts the veil and reveals the struggle many people experience.
Title: The New Zealand Dream, The seeds are sown
The New Zealand Dream, Growth and destruction
Author: Sheila
Available: Amazon https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08HRNG8YP
or direct from [email protected] with free author signing and postage within NZ.