by Kathryn van Beek
This is a delightful children's story by Kathryn van Beek, made more appealing by Bruce being an INTERNET SENSATION.
Apart from being the author, Kathryn is also the illustrator, so artistic talent shines through in this book.
The pictures are appealing and poignant. Especially the facial expressions. Even Bruce's. There is much more to be found in each picture and any child would be happy to go hunting.
The story is told in rhyme, which is a style I love in children's books.
Bruce is a tiny grey kitten, rescued from the city streets in a thunderous storm, by a young girl names Kate.
He fits into the palm of her hand, and is possibly only a day or two old. So cute!
The pictures are clear and bright, and they cover the atmosphere, surroundings and Bruce's plight, which is now Kate's as she tries to find him a forever home.
Kate sets off around the neighbourhood, asking at first one house and then the next, trying to either find his home or find a new one for him.
But no ... each home she approaches has either already got a cat, is too small for a new kitten, or too crowded with pets already.
A discouraged Kate eventually makes her way to her own home, with Bruce tucked safely away from the lightning storm.
She cannot find a forever home for Bruce.
Now what must she do?
Well done, Kathryn van Beek. Thoroughly enjoyable.
Author: Kathryn van Beek
Publisher: Mary Egan Publishing
ISBN: 9780473391737
RRP: $20.00
Available: bookshops