by Dawn McMillan
Illustrations by Ross Kinnaird
Woolly Wally is back. First published as a popular Reed title 12 years ago, it’s reappeared in a new edition to be enjoyed by another crop of Kiwi kids.
And, I suspect, lots of adults will like it even more than the littlies they read it to.
Wally’s the farm ram. He’s a big hair guy, immensely proud of his fleece and taking pride in its superior quality – thick and crinkled, extra fine, long and waxy, perfect fibre. And he knows its value to impress the ewes. Until –
…one day in sunny weather
All the sheep were gathered together
Wally in front, and off to the shed;
An uneasy feeling in his head!
Hadn’t he been here just last year
Did he hear someone say…
Yep, in a few passes of a handpiece it’s now un-woolly Wally, at least for a few weeks; but long enough, it’s hoped, for him to learn the lesson pointed out at the story’s conclusion.
Adults, and children who grow up on farms, will fill in the gaps (“all ewes girls will be mums”) that add to the depth of the woolly Wally’s pride in his appearance and performance.
The illustrations help greatly too. The difference, particularly the facial expressions, between the big and the bald are most telling.
And the colour pictures provide additional fun for little ones in spotting the presence of both the author and the illustrator on most pages – see the back page for a clue.
Welcome back, Woolly Wally.
Author: Dawn McMillan. Illustrator: Ross Kinnaird
Publisher: Oratia Books
ISBN: 978-0-947506-42-1
RRP: $19.99
Available: bookshops. Oratia Media