My play Fallout: the Sinking of the Rainbow Warrior has been playing at Basement Theatre, Auckland to full houses. They’ve even added an extra matinee performance on the final day this Saturday.
It’s been terrific to work with this team of professional theatre makers. They all have such great skills, and it’s been my pleasure to see my words come to life through the expertise of Director Jennifer Ward-Lealand, and actors Fasitua Amosa, Luanne Gordon, Toby Leach, and Kerry Warkia. Add to that the skills of the design team – sound expert Paul McLaney, and Sean Lynch & Jeremy Fern – and it’s no wonder I keep getting rave comments from friends who have seen it. Huge thanks to them all!
Overall, it’s been pretty overwhelming. Mostly, I feel humbled that I’ve had the privilege of both paying tribute to those who lived through the event, and bringing this story to a new generation.