My gratitude to fellow author Tannis Laidlaw for inviting me to participate in this event. Click the link to learn more about her work.
Next week please check out the three authors I’m recommending you explore.

1: What is the title of your book?
Every Five Minutes
I don’t want this to sound spooky, because no doubt there was something lurking in my subconscious that pushed it along…
I was actually working on another novel when, one morning in the shower, the idea came to me – complete with the unusual format, the title, main character, point of view, and first paragraphs. It was so clear to me that I knew I should get onto the writing right away – which I did that morning.
Now, I must get back to that other novel!
3. What genre does your book come under?
Fiction, novel, I say it’s a love story but not a romance.
4: Which actors would you choose to play your characters in a movie rendition?
Ah, this question would appeal to the main character, a woman called Gina, who goes to a lot of movies. She would have decided views on it, I think. I’m not such a movie buff as she is, so my apologies to her if she doesn’t agree.
Gina: Since it is set in Auckland, one of our marvellous Kiwi actresses would be appropriate. Robyn Malcolm, Greer Robson-Kirk, Jennifer Ward-Lealand or Tandi Wright would all be excellent. Otherwise – Sandra Bullock would be good.
Mark: Again, we have a host of excellent Kiwis – Shane Cortese, Craig Parker, Anthony Starr (aged a few years), Jared Turner, Karl Urban, Aaron Ward, and many more. Otherwise – Hugh Jackman.
Electra: White standard poodle.
5: What is the one-sentence synopsis of your book?
A woman and a remarkable man, the colour cornflower blue, a white dog, beaches, parks, coffee, flowers, polished stones, a unicorn and a swan, words, theatre, movies, music, and love.
6: Is your book self-published, published by an independent publisher, or represented by an agency?
Published by indie publisher Flaxroots Productions.
7: How long did it take you to write the first draft of your manuscript?
About 3 months.
8: What other books would you compare this story to within your genre?
Maybe Love Story by Erich Segal. It’s several decades since I read that, so I hope I’m remembering it right. It’s not my usual sort of reading, so I can’t suggest others. I’d like to read more so if, after reading it, you’ve got some suggestions please let me know.
9: Who or what inspired you to write this book?
See question 2 above. Steam from the shower getting into my head? Perhaps subconscious thoughts about what women really want – a man who understands them, is truly supportive, and accepts them as they are.
10: What else about your book might pique the reader’s interest?
Extra facts you’ll learn along the way, such as – dogs have ten more teeth than humans; irises need soil that’s slightly alkaline ; fish don’t need bicycles; diamonds are not all composed of carbon; C-3PO and R2D2 were two of only four characters who appeared in all six Star Wars movies; if two of its trigger hairs are touched a venus flytrap closes in less than a second; the horn of a unicorn has the power to neutralize poison and heal the one poisoned; keys to baking a successful lemon meringue pie; the meaning of kalopsia, Chipzenburgian and a few other unusual words.
Where to find it -
Every Five Minutes is available as an e-book or tree-book.
ebook from (international) (US$2.99), £3.08), (C$3.50)
(New Zealand),
tree-book from (international) (US$14.95), (£8.51),
(New Zealand) Unity Books Auckland, order at your favourite bookshop,,,
via this site, or see TradeMe (c. $16)
Joanne Wadsworth
Miles Hughes
Jenny Argante