Okay, sometimes the sight of the long list of messages waiting in my in-box is daunting but, as I sift through, gems come to light. Like this one yesterday, via Facebook from someone I didn’t know, but our paths have crossed through common membership of an online group.
Hi Bronwyn:
Just letting you know I have featured you as my fav author on this week International Authors' Day Blog Hop.
Check out my website for details
Really? Was there a catch? But I checked it out.
It’s real! This lovely woman read my book Every Five Minutes and wrote a great 5 star review, sharing it first on Amazon, and now on her blog.
Claudette Alexander was born in St Lucia and now lives in Toronto. I haven’t been to either place, but if I ever get to meet her in person I’ll give her a big hug – a physical hug instead of this virtual one.
I’d like you, too, to meet my good friend, Claudette, here –
Website: http://www.claudettealexander.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/author.claudettealexander
She's well worth knowing.