In 2017, Storylines takes an exciting new approach to its long-established Storylines Festival by introducing the Storylines National Festival Story Tour. . . .
The Storylines National Festival Story Tour will continue to celebrate and promote writers and illustrators of New Zealand children’s literature, and will extend Storylines’ reach to more metropolitan and regional centres. . . .
The Storylines National Festival Story Tour will be linked to Storylines’ established events and programmes, creating a comprehensive annual calendar of children and young people’s literary events. . . .
The programme of events on tour in each region will include interactive presentations, storytelling and performances by local and touring writers and illustrators, together with evening workshops and panel discussions for adults. Programme content will be developed directly with the communities visited by Storylines to reflect cultural diversity and te reo Maori. It will also include a digital component to enable young people to engage with and participate in the tour online.
In addition, in October this year, Storylines hosts the Storylines Authors’ and Illustrators’ National Hui in Auckland for mid-career and established writers.
For further details and Storylines 2017 Calendar, see