Playwrights Association
of New Zealand (Inc)
is planning a weekend of writing
in March 2023
surrounded by the glorious colours of Central Otago.
We’re immensely privileged to have as guest speaker
Emily Duncan PhD
Burns Fellow at Otago University 2019
who will lead us through her workshop
‘Detailing the Drama’.
See and hear some of the best 10 minute plays
our members have written in the last few years.
The seminar is open to all, members and non-members,
those who enjoy theatre, or want to learn more
about writing successfully whatever the genre.
Friday evening 3rd March till Sunday morning 5th
Venue: Clyde Memorial Hall
Full registration: $180.00
Partners/companions: $65.00
Saturday night dinner included
For further details
Email: [email protected]
subject line: 2023 Seminar